Excerpts: “I would argue that when we are violent, selfish, or greedy, we have lost our sense of connection to the oneness of the universe. When we realign ourselves with the omnipresent connection, not only do we become more kind and our lives become more meaningful, but we also experience eternity, because we are part of something that has always existed” (p. 79).
“I sat with him for many months, working on different aspects of my fear. He gave me breathing exercises to do, prayers to recite, papers to read, and texts to study. He was a wealth of wisdom, but nothing worked. Finally, one day he told me simply, ‘When you start thinking about death, don’t go there'” (p. 125).
Korngold, Rabbi Jamie S. (2011). The God Upgrade: Finding Your 21st-Century Spirituality in Judaism’s 5,000-Year-Old Tradition. Woodstock, VT: Quality Paperback Edition.