Book: Justice is Coming

Excerpts: “The purpose of being neutral is to achieve political correctness rather than factual correctness. This is inarguable. Yet no one in media acknowledges it” (p. 14).

“Third, Medicare for All is only for health insurance. It doesn’t socialize any of the rest of the health care system. The hospitals, doctors and other health care providers are still all in private hands” (p. 71).

“That’s how it is suppose to work in a democracy–where you elect people to represent you in your government. And they represent you by making sure different things don’t hurt you or screw you over, the way big businesses do! The public sector, on your behalf, serves as a check on the excesses of private industry” (p. 100).

“They think big government is the source of power. And in the old days it used to be. But now the roles have been reversed. Now all the power is in the hands of Big Business, which uses the elected officials as its minions to do anything it wants. If you are concerned about concentrated power, your top concern should be how corporations took over government–and now have all the money and the power” (p. 142-143).

“That’s what a corporation is, really–a machine. Despite what the United States Supreme Court might say, corporations are not, in fact, people. They are not endowed by their creator with inalienable rights. We are their creators. They are legal fictions” (p. 143).

Buckley v. Valeo, the most important Supreme Court decision you’ve never heard of, was supported in it’s entirely by only three of the eight justices (Justice Stevens had just arrived on the court and recused himself). One of them was, of course, Lewis Powell. Without changing the laws or amending the Constitution, Nixon and Powell used the court to change the Constitution through interpretation–and they gave the wealthy virtually unlimited power to legally bribe politicians” (p. 160).

“By the time we get to the infamous Citizens United decision in 2010, the system had already been completely taken over by corporate cash. What Citizens United did was take the faucet of money coming in from companies and attach it to a fire hose” (p. 165),

“No, once you capture the government, you don’t have to compete at all, let alone make quality products. You just make it illegal to compete against you. Once you allow for bribery, crony capitalism is inevitable” (p. 176).

“In a system built on private financing of politicians, you will always have politicians serving private interests. If, instead, you built a system on public financing of elections, then you might, and likely would, have politicians serving the public interest” (p. 219).

Uygur, Cenk. (2023). Justice is Coming: How Progressives Are Going to Take Over the Country and America is Going to Love It. New York: St. Martin’s Press.