All posts by jghsys

Book: How to Speak Machine

Excerpts: “When talking about this sea change, we tend not to use the term ‘AI,’ because it carries some negative connotations from the past. Instead, we prefer two terms to describe this newer kind of artificial intelligence ‘machine learning’ (ML) and ‘deep learning’ (DL)” (p. 48).

“The art and science of design is fundamentally tied to the Japanese philosophy of aichaku (AYE-chaw-kooh), literally ‘love-fit.’ This design word describes that special connection to something in your environment that fits your life so perfectly that you are immediately bonded to it” (p. 128).

“Instead, the entire physical world is coming to realize that there’s an invisible computational world that the tech companies fully control” (p. 161).

“So when presented with quantitative data, it’s important to demand what tech ethnographer Tricia Wang calls ‘thick data,’ in contrast with ‘big data'” (p. 178).

“We must never forget that everything is a human error, and when humans start to correct those errors, the machines are more likely to observe us and learn from us too. But they’re unlikely to make those corrections on their own unless they’ve been exposed to examples set by a sufficient number of humans who can provide the right corrective behavioral data to rebalance their numerical brains” (p. 185).

Maeda, John (2019). How to Speak Machine. USA: Portfolio/Penguin.